Real estate for child care providers

Safe, developmentally-appropriate, and reliable child care is critically limited across communities in the United States. Many child care providers who wish to serve more children and families have a difficult time securing a suitable space to grow their business. That is where Mission Driven Finance and CARE (Care Access Real Estate) come in.

We partner with local child care ecosystem partners to help quality child care providers expand their business by leasing a child care ideal home or commercial space specifically designed to allow them to serve more children and families in the community.

Expand your child care business

CARE finds and purchases properties that can be renovated into ideal child care homes for large family child care/group child care operations and child care specific commercial spaces where center-based programs can expand. In partnership with the local ecosystem partners, CARE offers the properties to pre-qualified child care providers who meet the criteria of a CARE tenant. 

CARE also acts as a child care friendly landlord, ensuring that your location will be maintained in licensable condition. After leasing a CARE property for at least two (2) years, the tenant may have the opportunity to purchase the property at a discounted price.

Are you a good CARE candidate?

If you are a child care provider who:

  • Has at least two years of experience providing child care in a home-based or center- based setting;
  • Is eager to care for more children in a house licensed for group child care (up to 12 children);
  • Is willing to care for children under 2 years old;
  • Is planning to continue operating a child care business for the foreseeable future;
  • Is currently renting your child care space (home or center);
  • Is willing to move and lease a CARE property;
  • Is willing to serve children eligible for the state's subsidy program; and
  • Currently lives in Clark County, Nevada or San Diego, California

then this program might be right for you!

Explore the process:

The full journey of a CARE tenant includes the following steps:

  1. Completing a CARE application so we get to know you and your child care history.

  2. An interview (usually on zoom) so we can dive deeper into your child care career aspirations and gain confidence that you will provide quality child care.

  3. An in-person meeting with our Financial Discovery partner to understand your current household financials and agree on a maximum rent level that feels comfortable and affordable to you based on financial projections of a larger child care program.

  4. Completing a real estate questionnaire so we know what kind of a property would be a great match for you, your child care program, and your family. 

  5. Continue to serve children and families in your current space until you receive a property match notification and decide if the house is a good match for you!

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